Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This sucks! No car now! All I can say is "Karma"

Well, now that my 19 year old has her license back after 1 1/2 years of it being suspended by DMV I can see we are going to have issues in the house.  I have been using her car that she purchased last September, because I have been unable to make the payments on my car since January on my car.  I got very sick last September with severe abdominal pain, which took the doctors 4 months to diagnose. During that time, I was unable to function, eat, or do any type of work at home to supplement any income for us. Therefore, everything got behind. Then the holidays came, and it was time for our lease to end on our home we were renting. I had promised my youngest daughter, that she would not have to spend Christmas in that house again, as we had been tormented by a stalker the previous Christmas, New Years & 8 months following. So I backed out of our lease a month early with notice, during a time that I was very sick, in and out of the hospital, yet, the Property Manager, managed to sue me in court, and screw me over anyway.

So, I wiped out my savings to get into this new house by Christmas. Scraped everything I had, because I had no real proof of income, except money order receipts to show this owner as proof that I could pay the $1840 rent per month. My roommate was most likely coming with us again, and he pays $840.  But, slowly after 18 months of paying my car payments on time, I finally had to make a choice between the electric, and the gas bill cut-off notices.   It finally got to a point that the payments were a couple months behind, and one night my daughter heard a tow truck outside. We went into panic mode.  The car was equipped with a kill switch, so if you didn't pay your payment, they cut your car off.  I didn't want to loose my car, my life line, my sanity.  It happened to be parked on the street between two cars, and luckily he couldn't get it out.  He left, but I knew he would be back when some cars moved. One car in front happened to be my daughters jeep. So we blocked it in until morning. Then first thing in the morning, we all got up, and put the car in neutral, and pushed the car into the garage, with my daughters jeep.  We kept it hidden in their for about 2 1/2 months.  Until the payment got so far behind, and I had exhausted all of my options to borrow the money or be able to catch it up.

Everyone told me to just let it go back, that I had lost the battle.  The tow truck had been coming by every night for 2 1/2 months at 10 pm at 1 am, looking at the VIN number on my daughters black car, trying to see if that was the car they were looking for.  I just knew any day, they'd come knocking on my door with a warrant, forcing me to open the garage.   So, after I had finally come to wits end on just about everything in my life. I couldn't pay my $750 electric cut-off notice, and knew I wouldn't make the rent, I felt overwhelmed. I had my daughter help me push the car out to the driveway.  

The car has been sitting at the end of the driveway for about 5 weeks now, and not once has that tow truck come by looking for it. The car sits there haunting me. It makes me sad to look at it everyday. And I'm too scared to call, the place I bought it, because the owner, gave me in house financing, because my ex-husband and I had done his windows & siding prior to our divorce, and I feel like I've let him down.  I just keep praying for a miracle.  The payments were only $150 every 2 weeks. But they've added up now.

Now, both girls are leaving me home, and taking off last night, and tonight.  And my daughter with the jeep, is being a royal bitch about me wanting to use her jeep to get to my appointments.  It's like pulling teeth.  She throws a bitch fit.  I had a 10:30 appointment with my therapist, she had to be at school at 9:40, and her sister had to be at work at 11:00 am, but had to be at DMV yet again, to try and get the copy of her license paid for.  Yet she wanted to whine and complain, as to why we could not use Aprils car, or why my Mother could not pick me up from my therapist appointment.  Does she forget her ran them back and forth to work and school just a year ago 6-8 trips a day, like I was a freakin taxi service. I had no life, couldn't get any work done.  But she tells me that is what I'm supposed to do, I'm the Mom.

I text her later, and asked her to drive with me out to Cobb's Marina to finish this job for a friend who had been helping me out through the rough months, kind of like payment in advance for his boat work he knew he would need in May. On the way, she started in about running out all of her gas, that Dad had just put in her tank, yet she can run out to her 30 year old male friend's house, "Levi" everyday, about 15 miles away, but that's okay. But my friend helped pay our bills, for the past 3-4 months at $200 a month, when we had nothing coming in.  Had she had the nerve to say these hurtful things to me.  Now this is my usually caring and loving daughter. What's happening?  It hurts my heart and my gut.


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